Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

linux vyatta server

vyatta adalah sebuah Router Yang mengklaim dirinya Sebagai CISCO competitor karena hampir bahasa Vyatta menggunakan Bahasa CISCO, Vyatta mendukung beberapa fungsi Router Diantaranya : • Basic System - (Menggunakan CLI, Management, Logging, SNMP, Installsi & Updgrades) • LAN Interfaces - (Ethernet, Loopback, VLAN, Bridging, Ethernet Link Bonding) • WAN Interfaces - (Serial, DSL, Wireless Modem) • Encapsulations and Tunnels - (Cisco HDLC, Frame Relay, PPP, PPPoE, Multilink, Tunnels) • IP Services - (SSH, Telnet, DHCP, DNS, NAT, Web Caching) • Basic Routing • BGP Routing • OSPF Routing • RIP Routing • IPv6 Commands • Policy and QoS • VPN - (IPsec site-to-site, remote access, OpenVPN) • High Availability - (WAN LB, Clustering, VRRP, RAID1) • Security - (Firewall, Intrusion Prevention, Filtering) Itulah keunggulan dari vytta .. bayangkan kita bisa membuat Jaringan Besar Dengan Vyatta Baik Itu Wan ataupun LAN, karena yang akan kita bahas adalah Cara Installasi Untuk Pemula Maka saya akan Mengesampingkan Hal Diatas. Buat LiveCD Buat LiveCD dari File ISO images yang ada di http://www.vyatta.com. Burn / Bakar ISO image ke dalam CD-ROM menggunakan CD-burning software Favorit anda. CD Harus bootable ISO image: jangan hanya mengcopy kedalam CD aja lakukan. Coba Jika CD sudah Siap • Pastikan BIOS Dari pada host machine di setting boot from CD-ROM Masukan CD Kedalam Drive.. Setelah Startup Complete ... anda akan di minta Username dan password Masukan User Name : Root & Password :vyatta Kemudian Install System kedalam hardisk caranya : ketik Install System dan akan muncul perintah dibawah ini ikutin sesuai prosedur. Last login: Mon Oct 29 15:37:50 2007 Linux vyatta 2.6.20 #1 SMP Fri Sep 21 02:22:08 PDT 2007 i686 Welcome to Vyatta. This system is open-source software. The exact distribution terms for each module comprising the full system are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. vyatta:~# install-system Welcome to the Vyatta install program. This script will walk you through the process of installing the Vyatta image to a local hard drive. Would you like to continue? (Yes/No) [Yes]: Probing drives: OK The Vyatta image will require a minimum 450MB root. Would you like me to try to partition a drive automatically or would you rather partition it manually with parted? If you have already setup your partitions, you may skip this step. Partition (Auto/Parted/Skip) [Auto]: I found the following drives on your system: sda 1074MB Install the image on? [sda] This will destroy all data on /dev/sda. Continue? (Yes/No) [No]: Yes How big of a root partition should I create? (450MB - 1074MB) [1074]MB: 512 Creating filesystem on /dev/sda1: OK Mounting /dev/sda1 Copying system image files to /dev/sda1:OK I found the following configuration files /opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot Which one should I copy to sda? [/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot]: Would you like to set passwords for system users (Yes/No) [Yes]: No I need to install the GRUB boot loader. I found the following drives on your system: sda 1074MB Which drive should GRUB modify the boot partition on? [sda]: Setting up grub: OK Done! vyatta:~# Kemudian Matikan Komputer ambil CD dari Drive Jalankan Kembali.... Maka akan muncul seperti ini : Welcome to Vyatta - vyatta on tty1 vyatta login: Itu berarti Router anda sudah jaalan Langkah selanjutnya Konfigurasi Jaringan masukkan user root dan password vyatta , atau user vyatta dengan password vyatta Welcome to Vyatta – vyatta tty1 vyatta login: vyatta Password: Linux vyatta 2.6.20 #1 SMP Fri Sep 21 02:22:08 PDT 2007 i686 Welcome to Vyatta. This system is open-source software. The exact distribution terms for each module comprising the full system are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Last login: Sat Nov 10 16:48:48 2007 on tty1 vyatta@vyatta:~$ untuk melakukan berbagai konfigurasi kita harus masuk ke mode configure vyatta@vyatta:~$ configure [edit] vyatta@vyatta# untuk merubah hostname dari vyatta ke router1 vyatta@vyatta# set system host-name router1 [edit] vyatta@vyatta#commit [edit] vyatta@router1# untuk memberikan nama domain ke router dengan cara vyatta@router1#set system domain-name akabri.info [edit] vyatta@router1#commit [edit] vyatta@router1# memberikan ip address ke router vyatta@router1#set interface ethernet eth0 address [edit] vyatta@router1#commit [edit] vyatta@router1#show interface ethernet eth0 { address hw-id 00:40:63:e2:e4:00 link-detect } loopback lo { } [edit] memberikan dns server ke router vyatta@router1#set system name-server [edit] memberikan gateway ke router vyatta@router1#set system gateway-address [edit] vyatta@router1#commit

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